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Miami-Dade Florida Form Instructions 8801: What You Should Know

If you have more than one residential address): (You can also file your tax return using a residential address on Schedule F and pay your taxes with your credit card or cash.) A review of the state websites for the ATC may allow you to identify the number of bedrooms in the home you need to claim as a qualifying student accommodation on your tax return. These requirements can be found on Form 8860. Also see:  Florida State Sites Homepage. Login. “Form 8860” To find out what the minimum income level for the residential exemption is based upon, look for the item “Substantially equal to or greater of 150,000 or the annual income for the current calendar year” on the last page of Schedule F of Form 1041. If you qualify for the residential exemption for 2025 according to the AMT rules, the difference between the tax paid and the credit you obtain could be up to 1,350. If you are unable to obtain the AMT credit, you may be able to obtain other exemptions under the FLEA. But, if your home is subject to an ATC — you won't be able to deduct your home mortgage interest or real estate taxes unless the amount of the credit is more than the cost of the AMT credit. For more information see Tax Topic No. 3 in Home Mortgage Interest and Real Estate Tax Requirements: A Guide for Homeowners by the Florida Department of Financial Services. Florida Statutes The Florida Statutes give a full description of the home-use exclusion. The statute does not contain examples of how many bedrooms can be included. However, the Florida Statutes are the authoritative source for determining the exact size of the exemption. Note that the statutes define a “secondary home” as a home used in an activity which is not primarily designed or operated for gain or profit and not primarily occupied by individuals. An owner of a secondary home may not deduct the cost of his home unless he has the right by statute to deduct that cost. Florida Statute s 921.17, Statutes of Fla.  (Hudson River State College, Florida Statutes) 921.

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